
In this section you can find many references that are useful for E&T in Radiation Protection, some of which are free to download. The hyperlinks are either to a publisher's or seller's site where you can purchase the book, or to a free download site; if a link does not work, please inform us. Please help us add more references by sending details of your favourite publications to the secretary or webmaster.

In addition to the detailed listing, further publications and teaching materials are available from the following websites: ICRP publications, ICRU reports, IAEA scientific and technical publications, UNSCEAR reports, EC radiation protection series and an overview of EC radiation protection legislation.

The reference list is divided into several domains (click on the domain to expand):

General radiation protection

General radiation protection

  1. Alan Martin, Sam Harbison, Karen Beach, Peter Cole / An Introduction to Radiation Protection, 6E / CRC Press, 2012 / ISBN 9781444146073
  2. Hans-Gerrit Vogt , Heinrich Schulz / Grundzüge des praktischen Strahlenschutzes / Editor: Hanser, 2011 / ISBN 978-3-446-42037-3
  3. HSE/ONR / Radiological Protection / Technical Assessment Guides / T/AST/038, 2014
  4. IAEA / Practical Radiation Technical Manual: Personal Protective Equipment / Practical Radiation Technical Manuals 200 / Vienna 2004
  5. IAEA / The Safe Use of Radiation Sources / Training Course Series No. 6 / Vienna 1995
  6. IAEA / Training in Radiation Protection and the Safe Use of Radiation Sources / Safety Reports Series No. 20 / Vienna 2001
  7. IAEA, ILO, AHO, WHO / Building Competence in Radiation Protection and the Safe Use of Radiation Sources / Safety Standards Series RS-G-1.4 / Vienna 2001
  8. IRPA Working Group / IRPA-Guiding principles for establishing a radiation protection culture /
  9. Philippe Massiot and Christine Jimonet / European Radiation Protection Course: Basics / EDP Sciences - Technology & Engineering / ISBN 2759816362, 9782759816361
  10. Turner J.E. / Atoms, Radiation and Radiation Protection / 3rd Edition, ISBN 978-3-527-40607-7 / Wiley, 2007
  11. IAEA / Radiation Safety Culture Trait Talks Handbook / Vienna, 2021
  12. IAEA / IAEA Nuclear Safety and Security Glossary / Vienna, 2022
  13. IAEA / Radiation Safety in the Use of Radiation Sources in Research and Education / Vienna, 2024


Nuclear physics and chemistry

Nuclear physics and chemistry

  1. Balashov V. V. / Interaction of particles and radiation with matter / ISBN 978-3-642-64383-5 / Springer 1997
  2. Blanc D. / Physique nucléaire / Free PDF available to download / Masson, 1980
  3. Firestone R.B. / Table of isotopes / Jul 19, 1999
  4. Hodgson P.E., Gadioli E., Gadioli-Erba E. / Introductory Nuclear Physics / ISBN 978-0-198-51897-6 / Oxford University Press, 1997
  5. Hussein E.M.A. / Radiation Mechanics - Principles and Practice / ISBN 978-0-080450537 / Elsevier, Oxford and Amsterdam 2007
  6. IAEA / Table of Isotopes - interactive / Nuclear Data series / Live Chart of nuclides
  7. Krane K.S. / Introductory Nuclear Physics Wiley / ISBN 978-0-471-80553-3 / 3rd edition, October 22, 1987
  8. Lapp R.E., Andrews H.L / Nuclear Radiation Physics / ISBN 978-0-136-25988-6 / Engelwood Cliffs (N.J.), Prentice Hall 1972
  9. Lilley J. / Nuclear Physics. Principles and Applications / ISBN 978-0-471-97936-4 / Chichester, Wiley 2001
  10. Loveland W.D., Morrissey D.J., Seaborg G.T / Modern Nuclear Chemistry / ISBN 978-1-119-32848-3 / Wiley, Hoboken (New Jersey) 2017
  11. Magill J., Gally J. / Radioactivity, Radionuclides, Radiation / ISBN 978-3-540-26881-9 / Springer, Berlin 2005
  12. Martin B.R., Shaw G. / Nuclear and Particle Physics / ISBN 978-1-119-34463-6 3nd edition / Wiley, 2016, also available as an e-book
  13. Povh B., Rith, K., Scholz Ch., Zetschke F. / Particles and Nuclei / ISBN 978-3-662-46321-5 (e-book), also available in hard cover / Springer, Berlin 2015


Detection and dosimetry

Detection and dosimetry

  1. Blanc D. / L’électronique nucléaire / Presses Universitaires De France 1992
  2. Eichholz G.G., Poston J.W. / Principles of nuclear radiation detection / 1985 / ISBN 0-87371-062-2
  3. ICRP / Principles of Monitoring for the Radiation Protection of the Population / Publication 43 / Ann. ICRP 15 (1), 1985
  4. ICRU / Quantities and Units in Radiation Protection Dosimetry / Report No. 51 / Bethesda, MD 1993
  5. Knoll G. F. / Radiation detection and measurement / 4th edition 2010, available as hardcover or e-book / Wiley
  6. University of Crete, Medical Physics team / COnceptus Dose Estimation (CODE) / Free to use software after registration / CONCERT project


Radiobiology and health effects from ionising radiation

Radiobiology and health effects from ionising radiation

  1. Tubiana Mauricej, et al / Radiobiologie / ISBN 978-2705665302 / Hermann Médecine, edition 2008
  2. UNEP / Radiation: effects and sources / United Nations Environment Programme, 2016 Printed in Austria / ISBN: 978-92-807-3517-8
  3. UNSCEAR / Hereditary Effects of Radiation / 2001
  4. UNSCEAR / Sources, effects and risks of ionizing radiation / Report to the General Assembly / 2020


Occupational radiation protection

Occupational radiation protection

  1. IAEA / Health Surveillance of Persons Occupationally Exposed to Ionizing Radiation: Guidance for Occupational Physicians / Safety Reports Series No. 5 / Vienna 1998
  2. IAEA / Occupational Radiation Protection / Safety Standards Series General Safety Guide No. GSG-7 / 2018
  3. ICRP / General Principles for Radiation Protection of Workers / Publication No. 75 / Ann. ICRP 27, Oxford 1997
  4. IAEA ISEMIR Information System on Occupational Exposure in Medicine, Industry and Research


Emergency planning and response

Emergency planning and response

  1. IAEA / Diagnosis and Treatment of Radiation Injuries / Safety Reports Series No. 2 / Vienna 1998
  2. IAEA / Generic Procedures for Medical Response During a Nuclear or Radiological Emergency / EPR-Medical / Vienna 2005
  3. IAEA / Preparedness and Response for a Nuclear or Radiological Emergency / Safety Requirement GS-R-2 / Vienna 2002
  4. UK / The Radiation (Emergency Preparedness and Public Information) Regulations (REPPIR) / 2001
  5. IAEA / Medical management of persons internally contaminated with radionuclides in a nuclear or radiological emergency / 2019
  6. IAEA /Arrangements for Public Communication in Preparedness and Response for a Nuclear or Radiological Emergency / IAEA Safety Standards Series No. GSG-14 / 2020

Events and incidents

Events and incidents

  1. IAEA / SAFRON (Safety in Radiation Oncology): an integrated voluntary reporting and learning system of radiotherapy incidents and near misses.
  2. IAEA / SAFRAD (Safety in Radiological procedures): an integrated voluntary reporting and learning system where patients submitted to defined trigger levels or events in fluoroscopically-guided interventional procedures are included in an international database. 
  3. RELIR-OTHEA: international database of voluntary reported radiological incidents and near-incidents


Radiation protection of the public

Radiation protection of the public

  1. ICRP / Protection of the public in situations of prolonged radiation exposure / Publication No 82


Radiation protection of the environment

Radiation protection of the environment

  1. IAEA / Generic Models for Use in Assessing the Impact of Discharges of Radioactive Substances to the Environment / Safety Reports Series No.19 / Vienna 2001
  2. IAEA / Regulatory Control of Discharges to the Environment / Safety Standards Series No. WS-G-9 / Vienna 2018
  3. IAEA / Restoration of Environments with Radioactive Residues / Proc. Int. Symp. Arlington, USA, 2000


Transport of radioactive material

Radioactive waste management

  1. IAEA / Radiation Protection Programmes for the Transport of Radioactive material / Safety Guide TS-G-1.3 / Vienna, 2007


Radioactive waste management

Radioactive waste management

  1. IAEA / The Principles of Radioactive Waste Management / Safety Series No. 111-F / Vienna 1995
  2. OSPAR / OSPAR Treaty, Radioactive Substances Strategy


Nuclear decommissioning

Nuclear decommissioning

  1. Bayliss C., Langley K. / Nuclear Decommissioning, Waste Management and Environmental Site Remediation / ISBN 978-0-080537788 also e-book / Elsevier, 2003
  2. Cumo M., Tripputi I., Spezia U. / Nuclear Plants Decommissioning / ISBN 978-8890081200 / Universita De Roma, 2002
  3. Cumo, M. / Decommissioning of old nuclear power plants, experiences and techniques / ICTP lectures, free PDF / Universita de Roma, 2002
  4. IAEA / Selection of decommissioning strategies: Issues and factors / TECDOC-1478 / Vienna 2005
  5. IAEA / State of the Art Technology for Decontamination and Dismantling of Nuclear Facilities / Technical Report Series No.395 / Vienna 1999


Nuclear legislation and international recommendations

Nuclear legislation and international recommendations

  1. Carlton Stoiber / Handbook on Nuclear Law / IAEA, 2003
  2. EU Radiation Protection Unit / EURATOM Treaty and Legislation
  3. European Commission / Basic Safety Standards / Council Directive 2013/59
  4. IAEA / Fundamental Safety Standards No.SF-1 / Fundamental Safety Standards / Vienna 2006
  5. IAEA / Legal and Governmental Infrastructure for Nuclear, Radiation, Radioactive Waste and Transport Safety Requirements / Safety Standards Series No.GS-R-1 / 2001
  6. IAEA, FAO, ILO, OECD, PHO, WHO / International Basic Safety Standards for Protection against Ionizing Radiation and for the Safety of Radiation Sources / Safety Standard No. GSR Part 3 / Vienna 2014
  7. ICRP / Recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection / Publication No 60 (superseded by Publication 103) / 1990
  8. ICRP / Recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection / Publication No 103 / 2008
  9. IAEA Revised syllabus for the Postgraduate Educational Course in Radiation Protection and the Safety of Radiation Sources / Publication TCS-18-Rev.1 / 2019


National references

National references

  1. HSE / Work with Ionising Radiation- Ionising Radiation Regulations 1999 Approved Code of Practice and Guidance / L-121 / HSE Books, 2000
  2. HSE/ONR / Fundamental Principles / Technical Assessment Guides / T/AST/004, 2006
  3. HSE/ONR / Guidance to the demonstration of ALARP / Technical Assessment Guides / T/AST/005, 2015
  4. UK / Ionising Radiation Regulations / 1999


Radiation protection in nuclear installations

Radiation protection in nuclear installations

  1. HSE / Safety Assessment Principles for Nuclear Facilities / 2006
  2. IAEA / Operational radiation protection and radioactive waste management for research reactors - training material / Training course series No 62 / IAEA-TCS-62/CD
  3. IAEA / Radiation Protection and Radioactive Waste Management in the Operation of Nuclear Power Plants / IAEA Safety Guide NS-G-2.7 / Vienna 2002
  4. IAEA / Radiation Protection Aspects of Design for Nuclear Power Plants / IAEA Safety Guide NS-G-1.13 / Vienna 2005
  5. Shaw J. / Reactor Operation / Available as an e-book / Pergamon Press, 1969
  6. Wilson P.D. (Editor) / The Nuclear Fuel Cycle / Oxford Science Publications, 1996


Radiation protection in healthcare

Radiation protection in healthcare

  1. C.J. Martin and D.G. Sutton (editors) / Practical Radiation Protection in Healthcare / 2nd edition / Oxford University Press, ISBN 978-0-19-965521-2
  2. EC / European Guidelines on Radiation Protection in Dental Radiology / Free e-book, 2004 / ISBN: 92-894-5958-1
  3. IAEA / Design and Implementation of a Radiotherapy Program: Clinical, Medical Physics, Radiation Protection and Safety Aspects / IAEA-TECDOC 1040 / Vienna 1998
  4. IAEA / Lessons Learned from Accidental Exposures in Radiotherapy / Safety Reports Series No. 17 / Vienna 2000
  5. ICRP / Radiological Protection and Safety in Medicine / Publication No. 73 / Ann 26 2, Elsevier Science Ltd,Oxford 1996
  6. IPEM / Medical and Dental Guidance Notes / MDGN / York, 2002
  7. Jamie V Trapp, Thomas Kron / An Introduction to Radiation Protection in Medicine / In medical physics and biomedical engineering, CRC Press, 2008 / ISBN 978 158 488 964 9
  8. Podgorsak E.B. / Radiation Physics for Medical Physicists / ISBN 978-3-642-00875-7 (e-book) / Springer, Berlin 2006, 2010 for e-book
  9. Vetter, R.J. and Stoeva, M.S. / Radiation protection in medical imaging and radiation oncology / 2015 CRC Press / ISBN 9781482245370
  10. WHO (editors) / Communicating risks in paediatric radiology / Free publication / ISBN 9789241510349
  1. Jamie V Trapp, Thomas Kron / An Introduction to Radiation Protection in Medicine / In medical physics and biomedical engineering, CRC Press, 2008 / ISBN 978 158 488 964 9
  2. Alan Martin, Sam Harbison, Karen Beach, Peter Cole / An Introduction to Radiation Protection, 6E / CRC Press, 2012 / ISBN 9781444146073
  3. Turner J.E. / Atoms, Radiation and Radiation Protection / 3rd Edition, ISBN 978-3-527-40607-7 / Wiley, 2007
  4. European Commission / Basic Safety Standards / Council Directive 2013/59
  5. IAEA, ILO, AHO, WHO / Building Competence in Radiation Protection and the Safe Use of Radiation Sources / Safety Standards Series RS-G-1.4 / Vienna 2001
  6. WHO (editors) / Communicating risks in paediatric radiology / Free publication / ISBN 9789241510349
  7. University of Crete, Medical Physics team / COnceptus Dose Estimation (CODE) / Free to use software after registration / CONCERT project
  8. Cumo, M. / Decommissioning of old nuclear power plants, experiences and techniques / ICTP lectures, free PDF / Universita de Roma, 2002
  9. IAEA / Design and Implementation of a Radiotherapy Program: Clinical, Medical Physics, Radiation Protection and Safety Aspects / IAEA-TECDOC 1040 / Vienna 1998
  10. IAEA / Diagnosis and Treatment of Radiation Injuries / Safety Reports Series No. 2 / Vienna 1998
  11. UNSCEAR / Effects of Ionizing Radiation / Report to the General Assembly / 2006
  12. EU Radiation Protection Unit / EURATOM Treaty and Legislation
  13. EC / European Guidelines on Radiation Protection in Dental Radiology / Free e-book, 2004 / ISBN: 92-894-5958-1
  14. Philippe Massiot and Christine Jimonet / European Radiation Protection Course: Basics / EDP Sciences - Technology & Engineering / ISBN 2759816362, 9782759816361
  15. HSE/ONR / Fundamental Principles / Technical Assessment Guides / T/AST/004, 2006
  16. IAEA / Fundamental Safety Standards No.SF-1 / Fundamental Safety Standards / Vienna 2006
  17. ICRP / General Principles for Radiation Protection of Workers / Publication No. 75 / Ann. ICRP 27, Oxford 1997
  18. IAEA / Generic Models for Use in Assessing the Impact of Discharges of Radioactive Substances to the Environment / Safety Reports Series No.19 / Vienna 2001
  19. IAEA / Generic Procedures for Medical Response During a Nuclear or Radiological Emergency / EPR-Medical / Vienna 2005
  20. Hans-Gerrit Vogt , Heinrich Schulz / Grundzüge des praktischen Strahlenschutzes / Editor: Hanser, 5th Edition, 2010 / ISBN 978-3-446-42037-3
  21. HSE/ONR / Guidance to the demonstration of ALARP / Technical Assessment Guides / T/AST/005, 2015
  22. Carlton Stoiber / Handbook on Nuclear Law / IAEA, 2003
  23. IAEA / Health Surveillance of Persons Occupationally Exposed to Ionizing Radiation: Guidance for Occupational Physicians / Safety Reports Series No. 5 / Vienna 1998
  24. UNSCEAR / Hereditary Effects of Radiation / 2001
  25. INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY / IAEA Nuclear Safety and Security Glossary / IAEA/NSS/GLO, 246 pp., 6 figs; 2022; ISBN: 978-92-0-141822-7
  26. Balashov V. V. / Interaction of particles and radiation with matter / ISBN 978-3-642-64383-5 / Springer 1997
  27. IAEA, FAO, ILO, OECD, PHO, WHO / International Basic Safety Standards for Protection against Ionizing Radiation and for the Safety of Radiation Sources / Safety Standard No. GSR Part 3 / Vienna 2014
  28. Hodgson P.E., Gadioli E., Gadioli-Erba E. / Introductory Nuclear Physics / ISBN 978-0-198-51897-6 / Oxford University Press, 1997
  29. Krane K.S. / Introductory Nuclear Physics Wiley / ISBN 978-0-471-80553-3 / 3rd edition, October 22, 1987
  30. UK / Ionising Radiation Regulations / 1999
  31. IRPA Working Group / IRPA-Guiding principles for establishing a radiation protection culture /
  32. IAEA / Legal and Governmental Infrastructure for Nuclear, Radiation, Radioactive Waste and Transport Safety Requirements / Safety Standards Series No.GS-R-1 / 2001
  33. IAEA / Lessons Learned from Accidental Exposures in Radiotherapy / Safety Reports Series No. 17 / Vienna 2000
  34. Blanc D. / L’électronique nucléaire / Presses Universitaires De France 1992
  35. IPEM / Medical and Dental Guidance Notes / MDGN / York, 2002
  36. Loveland W.D., Morrissey D.J., Seaborg G.T / Modern Nuclear Chemistry / ISBN 978-0-471-11532-8 / Wiley, Hoboken (New Jersey) 2006
  37. Martin, B.R. / Nuclear and Particle Physics / ISBN 978-0-476-74275-4 2nd edition / Wiley, 2009, also available as an e-book
  38. Bayliss C., Langley K. / Nuclear Decommissioning, Waste Management and Environmental Site Remediation / ISBN 978-0-080537788 also e-book / Elsevier, 2003
  39. Lilley J. / Nuclear Physics. Principles and Applications / ISBN 978-0-471-97936-4 / Chichester, Wiley 2001
  40. Cumo M., Tripputi I., Spezia U. / Nuclear Plants Decommissioning / ISBN 978-8890081200 / Universita De Roma, 2002
  41. Lapp R.E., Andrews H.L / Nuclear Radiation Physics / ISBN 978-0-136-25988-6 / Engelwood Cliffs (N.J.), Prentice Hall 1972
  42. IAEA / Occupational Radiation Protection / Safety Standards Series No. RS-G-1.1 / 2018
  43. IAEA / Operational radiation protection and radioactive waste management for research reactors - training material / Training course series No 62 / IAEA-TCS-62/CD
  44. OSPAR / OSPAR Treaty, Radioactive Substances Strategy
  45. Povh B., Rith, K., Scholz Ch., Zetschke F. / Particles and Nuclei / ISBN 978-3-662-46321-5 (e-book), also available in hard cover / Springer, Berlin 2015
  46. Blanc D. / Physique nucléaire / Free PDF available to download / Masson, 1980
  47. C.J. Martin and D.G. Sutton (editors) / Practical Radiation Protection in Healthcare / 2nd edition / Oxford University Press, ISBN 978-0-19-965521-2
  48. IAEA / Practical Radiation Technical Manual: Personal Protective Equipment / Practical Radiation Technical Manuals 200 / Vienna 2004
  49. IAEA / Preparedness and Response for a Nuclear or Radiological Emergency / Safety Requirement GS-R-2 / Vienna 2002
  50. ICRP / Principles of Monitoring for the Radiation Protection of the Population / Publication 43 / Ann. ICRP 15 (1), 1985
  51. Eichholz G.G., Poston J.W. / Principles of nuclear radiation detection / 1985 / ISBN 0-87371-062-2
  52. ICRP / Protection of the public in situations of prolonged radiation exposure / Publication No 82
  53. ICRU / Quantities and Units in Radiation Protection Dosimetry / Report No. 51 / Bethesda, MD 1993
  54. Knoll G. F. / Radiation detection and measurement / 4th edition 2010, available as hardcover or e-book / Wiley
  55. Hussein E.M.A. / Radiation Mechanics - Principles and Practice / ISBN 978-0-080450537 / Elsevier, Oxford and Amsterdam 2007
  56. Podgorsak E.B. / Radiation Physics for Medical Physicists / ISBN 978-3-642-00875-7 (e-book) / Springer, Berlin 2006, 2010 for e-book
  57. IAEA / Radiation Protection and Radioactive Waste Management in the Operation of Nuclear Power Plants / IAEA Safety Guide NS-G-2.7 / Vienna 2002
  58. IAEA / Radiation Protection Aspects of Design for Nuclear Power Plants / IAEA Safety Guide NS-G-1.13 / Vienna 2005
  59. Vetter, R.J. and Stoeva, M.S. / Radiation protection in medical imaging and radiation oncology / 2015 CRC Press / ISBN 9781482245370
  60. IAEA / Radiation Protection Programmes for the Transport of Radioactive material / Safety Guide TS-G-1.3 / Vienna, 2007
  61. UNEP / Radiation: effects and sources / United Nations Environment Programme, 2016 Printed in Austria / ISBN: 978-92-807-3517-8
  62. Magill J., Gally J. / Radioactivity, Radionuclides, Radiation / ISBN 978-3-540-26881-9 / Springer, Berlin 2005
  63. Tubiana Mauricej, et al / Radiobiologie / ISBN 978-2705665302 / Hermann Médecine, edition 2008
  64. HSE/ONR / Radiological Protection / Technical Assessment Guides / T/AST/038, 2014
  65. ICRP / Radiological Protection and Safety in Medicine / Publication No. 73 / Ann 26 2, Elsevier Science Ltd,Oxford 1996
  66. Shaw J. / Reactor Operation / Available as an e-book / Pergamon Press, 1969
  67. ICRP / Recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection / Publication No 60 (superseded by Publication 103) / 1990
  68. ICRP / Recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection / Publication No 103 / 2008
  69. IAEA / Regulatory Control of Discharges to the Environment / Safety Standards Series No. WS-G-2.3 / Vienna 2000
  70. IAEA / Restoration of Environments with Radioactive Residues / Proc. Int. Symp. Arlington, USA, 2000
  71. HSE / Safety Assessment Principles for Nuclear Facilities / 2006
  72. IAEA / Selection of decommissioning strategies: Issues and factors / TECDOC-1478 / Vienna 2005
  73. UNSCEAR / Sources and Effects of Ionizing Radiation / Report to the General Assembly / 2000
  74. IAEA / State of the Art Technology for Decontamination and Dismantling of Nuclear Facilities / Technical Report Series No.395 / Vienna 1999
  75. Firestone R.B. / Table of isotopes / Jul 19, 1999
  76. IAEA / Table of Isotopes - interactive / Nuclear Data series / Live Chart of nuclides
  77. Wilson P.D. (Editor) / The Nuclear Fuel Cycle / Oxford Science Publications, 1996
  78. IAEA / The Principles of Radioactive Waste Management / Safety Series No. 111-F / Vienna 1995
  79. UK / The Radiation (Emergency Preparedness and Public Information) Regulations (REPPIR) / 2001
  80. IAEA / The Safe Use of Radiation Sources / Training Course Series No. 6 / Vienna 1995
  81. IAEA / Training in Radiation Protection and the Safe Use of Radiation Sources / Safety Reports Series No. 20 / Vienna 2001
  82. HSE / Work with Ionising Radiation- Ionising Radiation Regulations 1999 Approved Code of Practice and Guidance / L-121 / HSE Books, 2000